About Me

I created this blog so I could give my two cents on topics that are near and dear to me. All presented in a 9 inning format.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dirty, Rotten, Filthy, Stinkin...

1st Inning.
Highlights of the Brew Crew...Birthday Party for Daughter #2. Daughter #2 had a birthday back in February and to celebrate it, we decided to take her and some of her friends out for lunch at a local Japanese steakhouse then back to our house for cake and a sleepover. Due to the number of friends invited, the wife and I split them up into two groups so we could take two vehicles to the restaurant. It was on the drive to the steakhouse that I realized there was a new friend among the bunch that had never been to our home or around us at all. Now over the years I have found myself acquainted with her friends and who are the good kids (ones that you don't mind her spending time with and you can see are a positive influence on her) and who are the bad apples (the ones you hope she never invites over to our house and who you hope never invites your daughter to their house). As we loaded up in my pickup truck and began our 10 mile journey, I had daughter #2 riding with me along with two well-known friends (good apples) and the new girl. Riding down that long stretch of road that crosses from Missouri over into Kansas, I tried to listen to my CD of '80s/'90s hair band rock while also attempting to pay attention to their conversations. They talked about other kids in their classes, their teachers, TV, and then the new girl broke out into an open-mic night.

Apparently she was a walking encyclopedia for momma jokes.

Upon completion of her comedy set that had the other girls left speechless, there was a lull so I turned up the radio as filler when on came Warrant's 'Cherry Pie'. Now it wasn't so much the shock that this 10 year old liked music from my era but the fact that she knew the words to this song. I began to wonder if I somehow had unsuspectingly met Joe Dirt's daughter. Well, once at the restaurant things were pretty normal. The girls encircled the cook/table station and all enjoyed the performance by the cook and the good food. As part of our plan, the wife and I shuffled kids around and each of us took home a different group of girls. Once we returned home the girls played for a bit then it was time for cake and punch. Daughter #2 made me take her to the local U.S. Toy store to pick out some carnival games for the girls to play and they seemed content for a short while. By the time the girls had finished cake and punch and playing 'rings around a 2-liter' it was time for some of them to get picked up. The remaining girls were spending the night so the wife and I anticipated a long night ahead of us.

The new girl needed to be taken home so she could pick up her overnight bag so daughter #2 and a couple of the other girls staying over loaded up in my truck with her and we drove several blocks to her house. As they all ran inside I sat in the driveway in my truck. The house looked very nice from the outside with a well-kept front yard. Alongside me in the driveway were a couple of other nice looking vehicles that would not raise an eyebrow if they were parked next to you in some random parking lot. I was thinking as I sat there 'must be a nice family'. About 10 minutes later the girls came running out with the new girl in tow. When they jumped in my truck and I started backing out of the driveway, a wall of cigarette smoke stench hit me in the face like a brick wall. My first thought was "Dammit! These girls must have been in their smoking a pack of cigs and that's what took so long." But after asking them if I could bum one and their confused look I knew it wasn't them. I was told later by daughter #2 that the new girl's house smelled like that. Lovely, I thought…the new girl lives in a bar that looks like a house in suburbia.

On the ride home the girls, including the new girl, explained that when they entered the home the new girls' relatives were cussing each other loudly with no care for the children present. Yay! It WAS a bar disguised as a house in suburbia! Well, after returning home with the girls, I retreated to my basement office/man cave. It was later on that the wife pulled me aside to explain that during the afternoon the girls were playing in our front yard and the new girl jumped up on the bench on our front porch and proceeded to yell to the other girls, "Hey, N!%%@s!". My wife was mortified when she heard that through the front door as she sat watching her marathon of Criminal Minds. But thankfully, the wife went outside and told the girl to not be yelling or using that kind of language. I told the wife that I was going to count my beers in the fridge before I went to bed and again when I woke up. The new girl didn't have any more surprises for us that night or the next morning and she returned home never to make her way back to our

2nd Inning.
Articles of the Week...

  • Space.Net..."Because he doesn't have enough going on, Elon Musk—he of Tesla Motors, SpaceX, SolarCity, and the Hyperloop—is launching another project. Musk wants to build a second Internet in space and one day use it to connect people on Mars to the Web."  If we could only see/hear the thoughts rolling around this guy's head.  He is definitely leaving his mark on this planet and trying to drag us into the future.
  • Effing Hackers!..."In the wake of North Korea’s recent cyber attack against Sony, Breitbart News spoke with Paul Rosenzweig, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy at the Department of Homeland Security, about the cyber threats we face as a nation today. Mr. Rosenzweig now serves as Principal of Red Branch Consulting, and is the author of Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace are Challenging America and Changing the World." An eye opening Q&A with someone who is knowledgeable about cyber attacks.  As a victim of a cyber attack this one hits close to home and should wake you up as to where our government stands with the threats we face.
  • I'm Your Huckleberry..."Reading the script for his role of Doc Holliday in Tombstone (1993), Val Kilmer saw one scene that made him nervous. It wasn’t any of the parts about riding a horse, as he had ridden plenty of horses, and he’d already convincingly handled guns onscreen in Billy the Kid (1989). No, this was a scene where he had to twirl a tin cup to stand down a bad guy who had just menaced him with a gun. And make it funny."  A great behind-the-scenes piece from a couple of great actors.  One of my all-time favorite movies!

  • Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/government-politics/article5140158.html#storylink=cpy
  • Red vs Blue..."One of the great conundrums of the American political scene is why the poorer states, colloquially known as “red” states, tend to vote Republican or conservative, while the richer states, the “blue” ones (and let it be said that this is very confusing for this European, for over here the colours tend to work the other way around, red is Labour, or left wing) tend to vote Democrat. We would think that it should be the other way around, the poor people voting for more from that Great Big Pinata which is government. But it seems that there’s a simple solution to this: the red states aren’t actually poorer in terms of the way people live." An interesting piece comparing red and blue states.  I'm still hoping to retire in the Midwest/Midsouth to take advantage of the lower cost of living. 
  •  Gun Rights in the Sights..."People like this guy are really a corroding force in our society," said Bray, a Democrat from University City in St. Louis County. "They are not a policy builder of good things. They are the ‘guns-are-the-solution’ crowd."  I'm a member of the Western Missouri Shooter's Alliance...are you?  Join today at: http://www.wmsa.net/
  • Bed Rest for $$$..."Usually at some point in the day (and for some of us, multiple points) many of us find ourselves wishing we could abandon our responsibilities to return back to our beds to live out the rest of the day under a quiet refuge of blankets. Despite the guilt of chronic laziness, a day in bed sounds pretty darn relaxing—if only we could financially support ourselves by doing so."  Who doesn't like to sleep and lay around in bed?  C'mon, you know you would jump at this chance.  At least I know my lazy 12 year old would...
  • Still Hope for Humanity..."Turns out, talking to strangers is not so bad after all. At least for a North Carolina teen, who went to Target to look for a clip-on tie for a job interview. Instead, he became the subject of a touching moment and a viral photo."  This story is a bit old now, but who doesn't like to be reminded that there is still hope for humanity?
  • Go Set a Watchman..."'To Kill a Mockingbird' will not be Harper Lee’s only published book after all. Publisher Harper announced Tuesday that “Go Set a Watchman,” a novel the Pulitzer Prize-winning author completed in the 1950s and put aside, will be released July 14. Rediscovered last fall, “Go Set a Watchman” is essentially a sequel to 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' although it was finished earlier. The 304-page book will be Lee’s second, and the first new work in more than 50 years."  One of my all-time favorite books and now there is a sequel? Yes, please!
  • A message from Ron Paul..."If Americans were honest with themselves they would acknowledge that the Republic is no more. We now live in a police state. If we do not recognize and resist this development, freedom and prosperity for all Americans will continue to deteriorate. All liberties in America today are under siege."  Some call him a crackpot...some call him a wise man...I would tend to lean toward Jedi Master.

3rd Inning.
Firearms Corner...SHOT Show.  As a follow up to my most recent Firearms Corner inning, here is a video by GunBlast.com and Jeff Quinn (one of the best beards around!) showcasing some of the new or improved finds at SHOT Show 2015. Enjoy!

4th Inning.
Random Thought...Imagine, if you will, a young, Christian man in the Army Reserves working at his own business with his wife, say a bakery. He has a LGBT customer come in asking for a wedding cake and he refuses. The next day he receives online & in-person protests of his business with threats to his life, his family, and his business. The day after that his reserve unit gets called up and sent to say the Middle East where nations in that region publicly murder LGBT people just for being LGBT and Christians just for being Christians. The terrorists he is fighting would love to come to the USA and establish their rule and therefore kill many people, especially those from the LGBT and Christian community. He ends up getting killed in action. He is sent home in a flag-draped coffin with a military funeral that is protested by the so-called Christians from the Westboro Baptist Church.  Is this the world that we live in today?

5th Inning.
American History Lesson...Carlos Hathcock.  Recently, a movie came to theaters that portrayed the life of U.S. Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle.  It was called 'American Sniper'.  Heard of it?  Yeah, I thought so.  Well, before Kyle there were other military snipers that have become legendary and one of those is Carlos Hathcock.  I first learned of him while watching a special on The History Channel.  Nicknamed, 'White Feather' (due the white feather he wore in his hat to dare the enemy to spot him), Hathcock would record 93 confirmed kills along with approximately 300 more before he left Vietnam.

Carlos Hathcock was born on May 20th, 1959 in Little Rock, Arkansas (an Arkansas boy!).  After turning 17 years old, and after a childhood of teaching himself to shoot while dreaming of being a U.S. Marine, that dream came true.  Through his early years in the Marine Corps, he set himself apart from others by winning rifle competitions including one while stationed in Hawaii and Cherry Point, North Carolina and at the national competitions held at Camp Perry in Ohio.

Upon deployment to Vietnam in 1966, Hathcock was recruited into the emerging sniper program. His base of operations was Hill 55, located 35 miles southwest of Da Nang.  The success of the sniper team and Hathcock was felt by the enemy to the extent that the North Vietnamese Army placed a bounty on his head.

Per Grunt.com, "As a result of his skill Sergeant Hathcock was twice recruited for covert assignments. One of the them was to kill a Frenchman who was working for the North Vietnamese as an interrogator. This individual was torturing American airmen who had been shot down and captured. One round from Carlos' modified Winchester Model 70 ended the Frenchman's career. On another occasion Sergeant Hathcock accepted an assignment for which he was plainly told that his odds for survival were slim. A North Vietnamese general was the target, and the man died when a bullet fired by Carlos struck him from a range of 800 yards. Hathcock returned to Hill 55 unscathed. In one incredible incident an enemy sniper was killed after a prolonged game of 'cat and mouse' between Carlos, with his spotter, and the NVA sniper. The fatal round, fired at 500 yards by Hathcock, passed directly through the NVA sniper's rifle scope, striking him in the eye. Hathcock would eventually be credited with 93 enemy confirmed killed, including one Viet Cong shot dead by a round fired from a scope-mounted Browning M-2 .50 caliber machine gun at the unbelievable range of 2500 yards."

During a second tour in Vietnam, Hathcock and some fellow Marines were in vehicle that ran over an
anti-tank mine. It was during this tragedy that he suffered terrible burns while rescuing some those fellow Marines. Eventually it would be Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that would end his military career. He would retire in 1979 with 100% disability. Carlos Hathcock would receive a Silver Star in 1996 for his part in rescuing fellow Marines during the anti-tank mine incident. He would pass away on February 22nd, 1999. WeAreTheMighty.com chronicles some of his stories here and they include his encounters with 'The General', 'Apache', and 'The Cobra'.  A true American hero that did his part to see his fellow Marines stay alive and make it back home. 

6th Inning.
Cool Videos...

Combine a tank with a dune buggy and you get the Ripsaw EV-2.  Take my $$$ NOW!!!

Fake movie trailers are a regular staple now and bring out the biggest geeks in all of us.  Now this is one that I would go see and see and see.  John McClane vs Alien vs Predator.  Yippee Ki Yay!

7th Inning.
Movie I Want To See...Jurassic World. A movie coming out this June is 'Jurassic World' starring Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Vincent D'Onofrio. Per IMDB, "Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor's interest, which backfires horribly."

The year 2015 is turning out to be the year of the sequel (I know that term gets thrown around every few years) with new additions to the Divergent series, Hunger Games, The Avengers, Mad Max, Terminator, and Star Wars.  Jurassic Park came out the same year I graduated high school and I am now 40.  I remember how cool the CGI effects were in the original and the trailer for this latest sequel takes me back.  Who doesn't love a 'monster' movie (yeah, yeah, they are dinosaurs)?  I grew up on Godzilla movies so when Jurassic Park and the previous sequels came to theaters you could count on me grabbing some popcorn and finding a seat and Jurassic World will be no different.  With Chris Pratt's rising fame (excellent choice as Star Lord in The Guardians of the Galaxy), he should own this franchise for a few more sequels. Maybe someday they can turn the Jurassic Park/World idea into a reality...with less deaths of course.

The Jurassic World trailer is below. Enjoy!

8th Inning.
FFL Factoid...From the National Shooting Sports Foundation's ATF Q&A page:

Q: May a person obtain a dealer’s license to engage in business only at gun shows?

A: No. A license may only be issued to an applicant who has a permanent premises at which the license the applicant intends to do business. A person having such a license may conduct business at gun shows located in the state in which the licensed premises is located and sell and deliver curio or relic firearms to other licensees at any location. [18 U.S.C. 923(a) and (j)]

9th Inning.
Baseball video..."Pitching is what you have best on the day you work, and if you can't get your fastball over the plate, then maybe you can win with your curve."--Tom Seaver