Highlights of the Brew Crew...A couple of weekends ago I took a man-trip down to Jonesboro, Arkansas to Arkansas State University for a fraternity alumni gathering we call 'Goat Roast'. I drove the RV down on a Friday with a fellow fraternity brother, Greg, to keep me company. We arrived in mid-afternoon and stopped by Wal-Mart to get a few groceries and beer...oh, wait, Jonesboro is in dry county...doh! I forgot all about that distinction and so we left without any brew. We then headed to campus to set up camp at the Arkansas State University tailgate area that provides electric and water hook-ups. Another fraternity brother, Josh, had already arrived with his nice pull-behind camper and so the two of us set up TKE Camp. Since the Goat Roast was going to be at our location it was our responsibility to get things set up for the Saturday event. But first, a Friday night social event at the Upper Crust Pizza Co. with many other fraternity brothers. Back at the camp we kicked back with a few adult beverages and relaxed until we received an emergency phone call from the fella towing the big daddy smoker grill to the camp. The grill had a flat tire and although he had the spare he did not have a 4-way that would fit the lugs. So, at a bit past 11pm, Greg, Josh, and our driver, John, loaded up in Josh's pickup and headed off into the night down some backroad highway to change a flat and get that grill back to our campsite. On Saturday we enjoyed good food and beverages along with great fellowship among the brothers of our fraternity. There was a day-long baggo game tournament for doubles and singles. Gifts were given to many brothers and guests throughout the day. Another highlight was for the group to get a tour of the athletic facilities on campus including the football stadium, Convocation Center, and baseball stadium. I really enjoyed finishing the day sitting around and chatting with my old college buddies. Sunday morning found Greg and me loaded up and headed back home. A great weekend!
A couple of weeks ago, the local Parks & Rec department held closing ceremonies for the summer youth baseball and softball leagues. My daughter's softball team picked up a first place trophy this year. It was really nice to see them achieve that accomplishment after putting in all the hard work. Congratulations again, Ladies!
Last week my two oldest daughters spent several days in southeast Arkansas staying with my wife's sister. During one of those days they got to drive down to West Monroe, Louisiana and visit Duck Commander headquarters. They were very excited at getting to visit a place they see on television. You have to love wholesome tv programs like Duck Dynasty!
Upon our return with the grill Friday night we discovered Josh' camper had visitors. |
A couple of weeks ago, the local Parks & Rec department held closing ceremonies for the summer youth baseball and softball leagues. My daughter's softball team picked up a first place trophy this year. It was really nice to see them achieve that accomplishment after putting in all the hard work. Congratulations again, Ladies!
Last week my two oldest daughters spent several days in southeast Arkansas staying with my wife's sister. During one of those days they got to drive down to West Monroe, Louisiana and visit Duck Commander headquarters. They were very excited at getting to visit a place they see on television. You have to love wholesome tv programs like Duck Dynasty!
2nd Inning.
What I'm reading...So, I received a present from my brother-in-law, Stephen recently. The present--'The Walking Dead Book One' graphic novel. If you have read some of my past posts you will know that I am a fan of the television show and I am a former comic book geek. I quickly devoured this book and enjoyed it quite well. I imagine that most fans of the show have searched the Internet for spoilers and have read Wikipedia or other entries on the comic book and particular plot details that have occurred or have a possibility of occurring in future episodes/seasons. With that said, any fan of 'The Walking Dead' knows there are differences between the books and the show. I will highlight a few from Book One (spoiler alert!):
- Rick does not get trapped in the tank in downtown Atlanta
- Shane is killed by Carl in the Atlanta camp
- Tyreese shows up when Rick's group leaves the Atlanta camp
- Carol and Tyreese become a couple
- Andrea and Dale become a couple
- Rick's group does not leave Hershel's farm with Hershel and his daughters
- THERE IS NO MERLE OR DARYL!!!! (Well, at least in Book One)
3rd Inning.
American History Lesson...On July 21, 1925 John Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution in a Tennessee High School classroom. The Scopes Trial, also known as the 'Monkey Trial' and 'The Trial of the Century', was planned courtroom drama before we had 'Law & Order' and 'Boston Legal'. This courtroom battle pitted two famous men of the day in William Jennings Bryan for the prosecution and Clarence Darrow for the defense. Per Wikipedia, "The trial was deliberately staged in order to attract publicity to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, where it was held. Scopes was unsure whether he had ever actually taught evolution, but he purposely incriminated himself so that the case could have a defendant. The ACLU was looking for a defendant so they could challenge the recently passed Butler Act, which made it illegal to teach evolution in a public school, in Tennessee and once Scopes agree to play the role of defendant they were ready to go forward with the legal spectacle. The trial opened on July 10 and the public was presented with speeches by both Bryan and Darrow as they listened by their radios across the nation. With the judge obviously biased against the defense and not allowing most of their witnesses, Darrow put Bryan in the witness stand and proceeded to pick apart Bryan's literal interpretation of the Bible. Per History.com, "Darrow's performance didn't save Scopes from a conviction and $100 fine (it was later overturned on a technicality), but in the mainstream press, the theory of evolution clearly won the debate." The trial inspired a play and movie called 'Inherit the Wind'. You can watch a brief video on the trial here.
4th Inning.
Random facts about me...I sleep best in a very cold room with a good blanket and a fan blowing on me...My first Transformers toy when I was a kid was 'Hound', a green Army jeep...I once worked as an ice cream man trainee for one day...One of my childhood nicknames was 'Beaver' as in 'Leave it to Beaver'...I was on a restaurant league bowling team and we were called 'The T-Boners' (we worked at Ponderosa Steakhouse) and we had shirts with a logo and our names...I have been to the Southfork Ranch while Dallas was still on-the-air...I scream like a girl when my wife dumps ice water on me in the shower...I have never suffered a broken bone...I have had the same personal email account since 1997...
5th Inning.
Articles of the Week...
- Ghost Story...The Blaze sits down with one of the real-life daughters portrayed in the new movie "The Conjuring" and discuss her haunted experiences in her family's farmhouse. Can you say vacation destination???
- Kansas City Story...28 Signs you grew up in Kansas City, Missouri.
- Marvel Comics Story...With Marvel Comics making blockbuster movies there are a few storylines from the comics world that would be awesome if transferred to the movie screen.
- Mosquito Story...With summer upon us those of us in the Midwest and South know very well that it is full-blown mosquito season. Be careful drinking a brew outside!
- Mystery Story..."Mysterious, pyramid-like structures spotted in the Egyptian desert by an amateur satellite archaeologist might be long-lost pyramids after all, according to a new investigation into the enigmatic mounds." Too bad the current political situation in Egypt will prevent much further study for the near future.
- Cougar Story...I'm not sure what's more interesting...the fact that there is a Cougar match-making site or the fact that someone wrote a story based on a survey of where Cougars like to go on vacation. BTW--"According to the Cougar Life website, a cougar is a woman 35 or older and seeking or involved with a "cub," a man at least five years younger."
- Politics Story..."Remember when President Obama famously promised that if you like your health-care plan, you'll be able to keep your health-care plan? It was a brilliantly crafted political sound bite. Turns out, the statement is untrue." A good, little op-ed piece by Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker.
- Congress Story..."Tax reform is apparently so treacherous for senators these days that they require the utmost protection from the public -- half a century's worth." Coming Soon--Secret Voting in both chambers of Congress on all matters! Will the madness ever stop?!?!?
- Science Story..."Scientists have used sound waves to suspend objects in midair for decades, but the new method, described Monday, July 15, in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, goes a step further by allowing people to manipulate suspended objects without touching them." Bring on the McFly hoverboard!
6th Inning.
Cool & Funny Videos...
The 'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon' show had some fun during the MLB All-Star Break. Enjoy!
Below is a cool little film short called 'The Flying Man'. With Hollywood running out of original ideas I think it's nice to see there are still filmmakers that show originality. Enjoy!
7th Inning.
Firearms Corner...This week I want to spend a moment discussing the difference between 'Clip' and 'Magazine' as they pertain to firearms. When I first became interested in firearms and started hanging around others that have lived and breathed it all their lives, I quickly tried to pick up as much terminology as possible. Sitting around the campfire at deer camp, I remember being educated after using my 'movie knowledge' of guns and the ignorant use of improper terms for clips and magazines. Also, with the growing debate on gun control in this country, there is widespread disinformation coming from those that support gun control. So let's educate! Simply put (and follow along with the picture to the left) a magazine contains ammunition cartridges that automatically feed into the firearm which could be a rifle, shotgun, or handgun. Magazines utilize a spring that pushes the ammunition up into the firearm as you fire each round. A clip holds ammunition cartridges along a metal strip...there is no spring and there is no way for the cartridges to automatically feed into the firearm. You can use clips to store ammo or to load a magazine. There you go. The difference is quite simple but the terminology misconceptions still exist. At every gun show where I have worked a table as a dealer you still have many, many people that stop to chat and act like they know what they are talking about and simply do not. The video below provides a good explanation if you require additional information. Enjoy!
8th Inning.
FFL Factoid...Over the next several posts under this inning I will be posting the 'Top 10 Frequently Asked Firearms Questions and Answers' per the ATF.
1. Can a person prohibited by law from possessing a firearm
acquire and use a black powder muzzle loading firearm? The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) prohibits
felons and certain other persons from possessing or receiving firearms and
ammunition ("prohibited persons"). These categories can be found at
18 U.S.C. § 922(g) and (n) in http://atf.gov/publications/download/p/atf-p-5300-4.pdf.
However, Federal law does not prohibit these persons from
possessing or receiving an antique firearm. The term "antique
firearm" means any firearm (including any firearm with a matchlock,
flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system) manufactured in
or before 1898. The definition includes any replica of an antique firearm if it
is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire
fixed ammunition, or uses rimfire or conventional centerfire ammunition which
is no longer manufactured in the United States, and which is not readily
available in ordinary channels of commercial trade. Further, any muzzle loading
rifle, shotgun, or pistol which is designed to use black powder or black powder
substitute, and which cannot use fixed ammunition, is an "antique
firearm" unless it (1) incorporates a firearm frame or receiver; (2) is a
firearm which is converted into a muzzle loading weapon; or (3) is a muzzle
loading weapon which can be readily converted to fire fixed ammunition by
replacing the barrel, bolt, breechblock, or any combination thereof. See 18
U.S.C. § 921(a)(3), (a)(16).
Thus, a muzzle loading weapon that meets the definition of
an "antique firearm" is not a firearm and may lawfully be received
and possessed by a prohibited person under the GCA. In addition, the GCA defines the term "ammunition"
to mean "ammunition or cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellant
powder designed for use in any firearm." Because an "antique
firearm" is not a "firearm," it would is lawful for a prohibited
person to receive or possess black powder designed for use in an "antique
firearm." Also, the Federal explosives laws do not make it unlawful for a
prohibited person to acquire and possess black powder in quantities not
exceeding fifty pounds if it is intended to be used solely for sporting,
recreational, or cultural purposes in "antique firearms." See 18
U.S.C. § 845(a)(5)
By contrast, a prohibited person may not receive or possess
black powder firearms that can be readily converted to fire fixed ammunition by
replacing the barrel, bolt, breechblock, or any combination thereof. ATF has
classified certain muzzle loading models as firearms. All of these models
incorporate the frame or receiver of a firearm that is capable of accepting
barrels designed to fire conventional rimfire or centerfire fixed ammunition.
These muzzle loading models do not meet the definition of "antique
firearm" as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(16), and are
"firearms" as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3). Furthermore, as
firearms, these and similar models, regardless of the barrel installed on the
firearm or provided with the firearm, are subject to all provisions of the GCA.
Persons who purchase these firearms from licensed dealers are required to fill
out a Firearms Transaction Record, ATF Form 4473, and are subject to a National
Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check. Felons and other
prohibited persons may not lawfully receive or possess these firearms or
The following is a list of weapons that load from the muzzle
and are classified as firearms, not antiques, under the GCA, because they
incorporate the frame or receiver of a firearm: Savage Model 10ML
(early, 1st version) ; Mossberg 500 shotgun with muzzle loading barrel; Remington
870 shotgun with muzzle loading barrel; Mauser 98 rifle with muzzle loading
barrel; SKS rifle with muzzle loading barrel; PB sM10 pistol with muzzle
loading barrel; H&R/New England Firearm Huntsman; Thompson Center
Encore/Contender; Rossi .50 muzzle loading rifle
This list is not complete and frequently changes. There may
be other muzzle loaders also classified as firearms. As noted, any muzzle
loading weapon that is built on a firearm frame or receiver falls within the
definition of a firearm provided in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3).
Finally, even though a prohibited person may lawfully
possess an antique firearm under Federal law, State or local law may classify
such weapons as "firearms" subject to regulation. Any person
considering acquiring a black powder weapon should contact his or her State
Attorney General’s Office to inquire about the laws and possible State or local
restrictions. A list of State Attorney General contact numbers may be found at
www.naag.org.9th Inning.
Baseball video...Last week saw the 30th Anniversary of the 'Pine Tar Incident'. If you are not familiar with this baseball memory then please watch the video.
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